Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Introducing Plane and Jane (and Giveaway)!

I stumbled on Plane and Jane at the local Women’s Expo and came home and told Hubs-To-Be about this ‘cool idea’ that is targeted to women for travel purposes. One of my focuses in my degree involves tourism so I was intrigued. Plus I love to travel. And on top of that I have grand dreams of a small girl’s get-away before the wedding! I did a quick google search to find out more about the company and found the Facebook site.

I messaged “Jane” explaining I wanted to share with my readers what she was doing. When you are travelling who makes the arrangements? Who plans it all? Planning travel is often the most complicated part of the journey. That’s why ‘Jane’ started Plane and Jane is an online travel resource for women! Jane and her 2 other travel professionals currently feature a city sharing the history and a city travel planner where they offer recommendations on where to stay, the best places to eat and more! My favorite part about the site? Wednesday Wish Trips!! They share the newest and best places to stay in a location they recently found out about! What to know more? Check out the site, follow on Pinterest, Twitter or Facebook!

‘Jane’ was generous enough share some of her favorite travel items and offer a giveaway to all of you! One winner will snag an Urban Decay's Pocket Rocket Lip Gloss and Violight Slim Sonic Portable Toothbrush- so you'll be ready for your next adventure whether that is Tahiti (wishful) or just your in-laws for the holidays! Entry is easy! Head to Plane and Jane and 'Like' the page- you MUST comment on the photo of the Urban Decay Lipgloss and Violight Slim Sonic Toothbrush letting her know LLandLoL sent you for the giveaway! That’s it! Giveaway Ends midnight Nov. 13th(Retail value $34)! (Winner must also 'like' LLandLoL, if you haven't already, do it now!)


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